Ricardo Wilson, a creative writer and scholar, is an associate professor of English at Williams College and the founder and executive director of The Outpost Foundation, a residency and arts advocacy organization for writers of color from the United States and Latin America. He has extracted from the archive, edited, and will introduce Troubled Lands, a previously unpublished collection of short fiction from Mexico and Cuba translated by Langston Hughes in 1935 (Princeton University Press, 2026) and is the author of An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories (PANK Books, 2021) and The Nigrescent Beyond: Mexico, the United States, and the Psychic Vanishing of Blackness (Northwestern UP, 2020). An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories was selected as a finalist for both the Vermont Book Award and the Big Other Book Award. His writing can also be found in, among other spaces, 3:AM Magazine, Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire, BOMB, Callaloo, The Common, CR: The New Centennial Review, swamp pink, Northwest Review, The Offing, and Stirring. He is, most recently, the recipient of a Creation Grant from the Vermont Arts Council and is at work on his forthcoming novel Even Worse than the Nightmare.

Check out Ricardo’s essay on what lies beneath one of the novellas in his collection at The Offing, an excerpt in BOMB, his interviews with PEN America and The Common, and reviews of his work in the Los Angeles Review of Books and the Brooklyn Rail.

Represented by Kerry D’Agostino at Curtis Brown.